I'm happy this came out, Dr moles kicking the agent was pretty xool and smooth
There ain't enough agents in Area 15 to truly call this Madness, let alone any good agents.
Yeah, nahhhh, same meme, low effort animation, yeah sure no one expects for you to do more effort but still, improve on animation a little bit and try drawing a bit better
Ok thanks for your feedback! Though it was 0 stars I still am grateful that you told me what was wrong.
The "animation" is fine, the problem is with some of the sound effects and music, some of it is just unnecessary, it literally makes the movie tone-deaf though the idea is xool
I will try to improve on that, thanks for the opinion c: it was my first time editing a video like this, i will get better with time ^^
Pretty cool
Our cover is blown, goddamn it
Animation is eh, though trailer's ending was funny, also 222th review sort of
Ok also that ending is kinda reminds me when marvel fans when they get to nerdy when they react to marvel trailers
It is good for the story
thanks Jorge :D
The sprite is cool and a bit different from the original and the frames are smooth
Thanks ^^
I rate movies at random times, and sometimes draw when I feel like it, btw stop sending me supporter status, it's useless to me. Keep supporting NG and give yourself the status
Joined on 3/30/20